Top 10 Health Benefits of Purple Corn

Corn health benefits, especially the purple kind, astound many nutrition scientists today. They’re discovering the amazing health and healing potentials of this unique crop. Health buffs would likewise fall in love with this kingly blue corn that grows only in the mountains of Peru. And purple corn health benefits are only a preview of what this super grain can do to your body.

Why Did It Turn Purple?

Not just the grain but the cob and husks are purple as well. And such corn grows only in Peru. Other varieties only have the kernels colored purple, not the husks and cob. Thus, such corn types are low on Anthocyanin. And Anthocyanin is among its wonder contents that produce the astounding purple corn health benefits.

Some scientists say the harsh environs of the Peruvian Andes, which rises some 10,000 to 15,000 above sea level, forced this corn to fight for survival and increase its immune capacity through evolution. No one knows why it popped up there, but for some reasons it did. Some researches even aver that purple corn is the original corn created by God in Eden. The Andes climate necessitated the grain’s increased defenses against the sun’s UV rays, and thus its deep purple color all throughout.

Royalty Grain

It is said that commoners in ancient Peru were not allowed even to see or touch this crop, which added more to its mysterious nature. Only the king of the Incas and his immediate family were allowed to enjoy the nutritious grain. Worse, as time passed by, the crop was jealously concealed in top royalty secrecy so that for some time it was lost to mankind. Thank God that today it is easily within reach of everybody, great or small.

Purple Corn Health Benefits

The deep purple color means plenty of anthocyanin count. And anthocyanin is a very potent micro nutrient. In fact, nutrition experts say purple corn is itself anthocyanin–it does not just contain the nutrient; it is anthocyanin. Thus, with just a gulp of purple corn juice powerful health and healing benefits trigger in your body. Anthocyanin helps your overall body systems–circulatory, digestive, respiratory, lymphatic, nervous, etc.

Of course, being an antioxidant, it strengthens your immune system, too, and feeds your cells with the nutrition and oxygen they need to make your immune defenses work better. Moreover, it protects your DNA cells from degenerative mutations that lead to deadly diseases.

Because it contains lutein, among well known purple corn health benefits is good collagen health. Now, collagen health does not only involve skin health. It is responsible for blood vessel health, particularly its vasodilation. Vasodilation is the ability of arteries to expand or enlarge to prevent constriction and clogging that may lead to a heart attack, stroke, or high blood pressure. The arteries and blood vessels become flexible and healthy, preventing any arterial rupture or aneurysm.

Anthocyanin reportedly also helps quicken recovery from the deadly dengue fever by repairing damaged or “cracked” vessels to prevent internal bleeding, thus saving the blood platelets and halting its decrease. The tremendous amounts of Vitamins C and E in it meanwhile boost the immune system to get rid of the dengue virus. Hence, the reported shortened period of hospitalization of dengue patients once purple corn juice is administered along with traditional medical treatments.

Also among amazing purple corn health benefits are its reported anti-cancer, anti-inflammation, anti-hypertension, anti-obesity, and anti-heart diseases properties. And why not? The anthocyanin content of this wonder Peruvian crop has the antioxidant power of 150 bio flavonoids, and we all know how powerful bio flavonoids are.

Other Micro Nutrient Contents

According to more researches, it also has terpenes (which is a type of Vitamin A), carotenoids (which are easily convertible in the body into needed vitamins), more bio flavonoids, lutein, sulphororanes (which protects DNA health), and polyphenols. All that spell purple corn health benefits not found in other crops.

And it is labelled as the Anthocyanin Champion because according to Anthocyanin Wiki, it is the richest in anthocyanin compared to other powerful fruits and natural food in the world.

It’s Not Medicine But a Treat You Can Enjoy

Aside from these health benefits, you can enjoy this unique corn as a beverage with all the goodness of its cob, husks, and kernels. Enjoy it as an iced tall drink or in small measured quantities taken daily before breakfast (30 minutes after your water therapy) if you want to make your liter bottle last a month.

More and more people discover not just these amazing health benefits but the rich, fruity and delicious flavor of the juice drink.

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